Monday, August 22, 2011


I just saw that my last post was in JANUARY my life has been so freaking crazy words cannot describe. I worked and went to school for my MBA. Monday - Friday I worked my ass off, then ALL DAY saturday i went to school and then on sunday I both studied AND wrote a pilot for Spike TV. then in june I got on a plane and moved to Oregon to work for the #1 sports company in the world.. take a guess. but I had a sumer class, so every weekend I had to fly to LA at 6am and fly back to oregon at 10pm EVERY WEEKEND! sufice it to say, i'm so freaking exhausted and have had little time to do ANYTHING!! ANYTHING ANYTHING!

so school is over for a month, my internship is over and now i'm just writing a pitch to pitch a tv show and headed to NYC to see my BF for a week! it's about damn time i get a break!!!

I bet no one is still reading my blog since i haven't posted in so long, but i hope that's not the case! I'm back baby and HAVE NOTHING TO DO!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

the scale

when my boyfriend decided to move back to NYC to take this job, I stopped eating for like 2 weeks. I lost so much weight. I also didn't sleep. So I lterally lost 10 pounds which was so great... until I started eating again and gained 4 back. Oka, 4 pounds not so bad, but then i started working out again (dont tell my physical therapist who doesn't like me working out because it ruins our forward progress..) anywho, i started working out and immediately gained like 3 pounds apparently i lost muscle when I didnt eat for 2 weeks. now i must figure out what to do. perhaps I shall stop working out so I can drop the muscle weight but then i'll be a blob... these are my problems, gotta go read a script for my boss.

PS I love going to UCLA!! LOVE. IT.

The Fighter

WEnt to see the Fighter last night with this guy I work with. BTW, my boyfriend moved back to NYC for this great great job and I'm stuck in LA for school... anyway, we're back to being long distance, which is fine, but what sucks is that i spent every day with him for over a year soooo, all my friends either got used to me not going out as much OR they went and got themselves knocked up and had a baby so they can't go out as much. It's mostly the latter of the two... anyway, so when this guy asked me to the movies last night, well, to the Writers Guild screening I had nothing else planned (and had already finsihed my accounting homework and econ assignement earlier in the week) so we went.

Anyway, i will get to the point, GO SEE THE FIGHTER! Not only will you think Christian Bale is so amazingly talented, you will also appreciate all over again the impression Andy Samberg did of Mark Whalberg on SNL, it reminds you how dead on it was.

Okay back to work!! It's friday which is usually like "yay, i'm done for the week!" But then i remember I have to spend 7 hours at UCLA tomorrow going to business school. Sigh!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

school is hard

Oy, i haven't posted in months. YOu will notice I posted last right before I started getting my MBA, suffice it to say, it was a lot of work and a huge huge huge adjustment back to the world of academia.

I took statistics and my other class was organizational behavior which wasn't that hard but had a lot of reading... and i'm talking like academic articles, not like US Weekly AT ALL! No pictures of angelina JOlie.. none!! At first I was like "these are so hard to reaD!!! BUt this week I got 3 wall street journal articles emailed to me from our Econ prof and i read them in like 2 seconds... and really enjoyed them. UGh i'm turning into a total geek.

This quarter which started last week I'm taking Financial Accounting and Economics. I'm also working full time on a show on Lifetime in it's third season and I love it. Mostly I love it because it's an hour long drama-edy so it's a totally different animal than half hour sitcoms. The people are normal and not frustrated failed stand up comedians who hate anyone else who is funny because no body could possibly be funnier than them, especially not a woman!! GASP!!

alright, must run, i promise to be a better poster.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


The past 2 falls I've spend most days working on my MBA applications. They're not the simple applications like when applying to college, they're a fucking full time job. You would not believe the intracacies of these things. Like NYU Stern makes you create some matrix where you have to put every job you've had since HIGH SCHOOL!! which is great in theory, but i'm in the entertainment biz and have had like 30 jobs that I had to fill out names, addresses, phone numbers (that don't exist anymore since production offices closed in the late 90s) and the amount of essays you have to write is retarded. 4-5 for EVERY school. And there is no cut and paste happening...

so i'm glad now that I'm a UCLA bruin at the Anderson School of Management, ranked around #11 in the country. The caliber of my classmates is really inspiring. Smart doesn't even begin to do them justice, they're insanely isightful. Last week was my first week starting with the Leadership foundations class. I met my classmates, worked in teams on projects, did a ropes course which made me climb up a 40 ft ladder, then stand on a rope above the ground and walk across the rope while leaning agasint my partner on a rope across from me. I made it half way before I started screaming for God, but that was a major accomplishment considering I wanted to quit while on the ladder. BTW, no nets below in case you fall, we had 2 harnesses on, with the bilays held by classmates who i had met a few hours prior...

we had 15 hour days 730am - after 9 pm, lectures, key note speakers, exercises, case studies, etc. REally invigorating, i can't believe how much I love getting my MBA. Because it's a part time program, I now only go on saturdays all day, but will get invovled in a lot of clubs etc to round out my classroom experience. MBA programs aren't only about the classroom, also about networking. Funnily enough, I didn't attend any of the happy hours after classes last week, i attended a happy hour in my freakin bed, i dont know how the young-ins did it. I'm still recovering from last week!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Baby Charlie

My friend had her baby girl on saturday night! Charlie! I'm so excited! She is so damn cute! Went to visit her in the hospital with my BF and friend kristin on sunday, holy crap, that child is adorable! Pure love!

My friend Kristin needs to have a baby, she's insane when she gets around babies. It's quite cute.

In other news, I didn't get a job this year on a tv show and met on a bunch so I asked my agent why, my agent was great and told me the reason why, which is what I asked! I am a fan of constructrive criticsm. If I’m doing something wrong, it only makes sense to tell me so it gives me the tools to make changes and have a different outcome the next time. So here’s the feedback that has come from not one but multiple showrunners “she has too much energy.”

TOO MUCH ENERGY? WHAT? THE? F? DOES THAT mean? I’m a comedy writer? Not an accountant. I’m supposed to have energy as I’m expected to be writing and re-writing late into the night, night after night!

This same thing happened this season to my friend Kristin who is a writer on Chuck. She had all these meetings and were told she has too much energy as well. Neither of us are like Robin Williams on coke! It’s not like I’m jumping off the walls, I just talk fast and am enthusiastic about projects.

I’ve actually decided not to go out for staffing anymore since getting this intel, because, the truth is: I have no idea how NOT to have energy? The funny thing is, when thinking about this comment, I remembered another show I met on 4 years ago and my agent, Lisa Harrison, said to me after: “yeah, the writer said you weren’t enthusiastic enough about the project.”

You can never win in this town.

I think it's funny since if you really know me, you know I"m actually quite mellow.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My boyfriend's dog

This is Franklin, he's my favorite animal on this planet. You might be thinking, "wait a second, i thought you hated dogs" and you would not be wrong! I dont like dogs, but 3 dogs have wormed their way into my heart!

1. Franklin (he loves me more than my parents)
2. Katie (my friend carrie from high school's dog, she lives in bev. hills near me so i've spent a lot of time with katie and have dog sat her)
3. Joxer (my brother's dog who loves me because I give him loads of attention!)

Just got the binder with all the leadership articles I have to read for my first class for my MBA!!

It's pretty dry stuff, but I dont mind, it's not the articles I'm psyched about it's the new opportunities that are going to be coming my way as a result of this education. It also helps that i'm going to a top school!

My program is part time so weeknights and weekends, but this first class is a week long class from tues-sat. at the end of august. literally from 7am to 7pm we'll be in classes and leadership role playing what have you, and some leadership oddessey thing that sounds like somethig out of the movie 28 days when sandra bullock was in rehab and had to do a ropes course to gain trust. Just so happens UCLA has a climing wall in their insane ahtletic facility, soooo i'm a wee bit worried.

And for the first time in my life, i'm going to be a minority! From my home town to boulder, white was the color of the masses, but in this program and UCLA there is a tremendous amount of diversity, which I'm excited about! Because there ain't no diversity in the entertainment industry unless you count the different sizes of people's bank accounts.

baby time

my friend bernadette has been overdue with this huge baby in her vagina for a week, so this week we decided to do everything to get it out. She did yoga every day and we went and got 2 foot massages, apparently theres' some trigger in the foot you can hit that can trigger labor. Last night we had game night, 5 people vs. one guy who is a jeopardy champ in trivial pursuit. He won. But the point was, bernsie wanted to have a fun night to laugh the baby out of her! And it worked, i just got a text from her hubby, she's in the hospital across the street from me and baby girl is going to be born today! It's exciting since Bernsie is one of my best friends out here and before, we met in college and we had the same major and did all of our journalism projects together!!! It somehow means more when you've known the person for a long time, like when my friend amy got married last week, i cried when I saw her in her gown!

so excited to meet this baby!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

that past month has been insane: 4 weddings, 1 baby shower, 2 bridal showers, one bachelor party (yes I was the only girl there) and lots of travel!

I'm exhausted. I have a bachelorette party and baby shower next weekend, but am not going, who has the time? I actually dont i have school stuff as i'm starting my MBA at the end of the month!

OMG HOW COULD I ALMOST FORGET!! last night, i went to thurs. night at the farmers market where all the tv people seem to gather each week in the summer. It gets crazy packed at the bar in the middle and we shut it down and then head to Sheddys across the street for more drinks. I gracefully bow out around 11pm to go to bed, hello, i'm old. there are always TV stars milling about as the group is usually tv writers, directors, actors and an executive tossed in there for good measure. For example last night the page guy from 30 rock, jack mcbrayer was there, he's way too tan. but the best sighting, not with our group but walking by...

LEVI JOHNSTON!! OH YEAH, SARAH PALIN'S SOON TO BE SON IN LAW!!! he was with a group of guys and walks by and my jaw dropped, i never care when i see famous peeps as i see them everywhere I go every day, but this was so freakin awesome, i turned to the people at my table and was like "holy crap that was levi johnston" and it soon got around the group of famous people themselves and everyone EVERYONE was frekaing out. My friend Kristi wanted to go up and kiss him and take photos of it and sell them... okay maybe we wanted her to do that, she didn't seem up for it.

but great sighting right???

Monday, July 12, 2010

I don't want to brag, but I'm going to court with Lindsay Lohan! she is supposed to surrender at 830am on july 20th at the beverly hills court house... well, guess who has a parking ticket hearing at 830am on july 20th at the beverly hills court house?? Uhhh, that would be ME!!

very excited to see the drama unfold. Also I live 4 blocks from there so I can walk! (usually when lin lo goes to the courthouse, traffic is a nightmare and choppers circle over head!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

so excited for my new business venture!!!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

LA street food trucks

the expolosion of food trucks in the past year in LA is mind boggling. Thanks to twitter you can follow any of the food trucks any time you want. these trucks range from ones that have build your own ice cream sundae, to outrageously good taco trucks (thanks KOGI!) to buttermilk trucks whihc cook up anything with butter milk, to grilled cheese trucks to cuban food trucks... anything you want you can find, trust me.

ive been dying to hit up the grilled cheese truck forevs! the BF was going to take me to it on my bday, but they sceduled a private party. On saturdday night after my 23 year old cousin's bridal shower (yes age 23 and getting married... yes, she's going to miss out on life in my humble opinion seeing as i've been to 20 countries since age 23) anywhooooo, we headed on over to santa monica and got ourselves some really freaking good grilled cheese.

I got an original, i mean hey why stray from the sammy that started it all. I also got a small tomato soup. the BF got the Cheesy Mac and Rib - macaroni and cheese with sharp cheddar and bbq pork, caramelized onions. next time i'm getting the dessert melt: Roasted banana puree, Nutella and marshmallow. HOW AMAZING DOES THAT SOUND.

well, while doing research on the grilled cheese truck on sat. i found out that next week, like 15 of the different food trucks are going to be in the same location in glendale for a night! holy crap! my friends and i are def. heading up and hitting up all the different trucks and getting our grub on! so excited!

Saturday, May 29, 2010



last night we went out to meet some friends who have kids and aren't usually A. out and B. on my side of the hill, meaning they live in the valley. They were at a friends 40th bday party. So they call us after dinner and invite us to meet up with the group at the belmont in west hollywood.

So bernsie, my boyfriend and I head on over... so we get there and the thing you need to know about the birthday girl is pretty much all i know about her is that she's a huge drinker, HUGE. every story i've ever heard of her invovles her falling over the couch drunk (last year) or drinking during her pregnancy and then and I quote "i'm going to have my baby shower when i'm 6 months pregnant so i can drink during it.." um, ok.

needs less to say we show up and i'm like hi barbie (not her real name but she looks like barbie) this is my boyfriend and she is WASTED and says "how cute are you? how cute are you? how cute is he?" i'm like, and then she stands up and i have to catch her and hold her up while she talks to me and we couldn't make heads or tails of what she was saying so every so often, i'd just laugh and say "that's so funny," or "really," "totally," things of that nature.

so shes talking to my friend amy and is ridiculous. oh wait, before that, when she said hello to me, she said it 3 separate times, meaning she thought she was seeing me for the first time 3 times and tried to give me a kiss on my cheeck hello, but just ended up bascially giving me a hickey and missed my face compeletely.

ok, so she's talking to amy and i'm talking to amy's husband and barbie's hubby is talking to my boyfriend. So then amy's husband says to me, get your BF's attention b/c i need to get barbie's husband's attention becuase now shes barely awaake. So boyfriend and i go to the bar and watch as barbie sit in a chair and is completely passed out. like passed freakin out so hard. so her husband pulls the car around and they have to carry her out, over the shoulder, her ass in the air, dress falling ovr her head, everyone at the place is in shock at how much she's revealing. Amy's husband is trying to pull down her dress, but it ain't working. it was insane! I've never seen a 40 year old do that! perhaps at your 21st birthday, but 40th??? it was insane! When I'm drunk, i just know it and stop drinking. but she was out of control and the weirdest part about it was that it was a very small, like 10 person gathering at a dinner table, not a raging fiesta!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

well, i've arrived at the end of the road of my entertainment career. I'll give a proper eulogy soon, but it doesn't look like i'm going to get a job on a show this year, sooooo that means, i need to get a real job in the real world. can you believe that? the real world, ick. they dont even give you days off in jobs in the real world. so like i'm going to have to start a job and then work it every day for like a year until i get a day off! what if i have weddings to go to, or triathlons i want to do or trips I want to take???? personally i think it's bullshit, but what choice to i have.

i start school in august with math camp, stats camp, excel camp and accounting camp. yahooo!!! so excited for this new chapter! now i'm off to find a real job! i figured i've put off having a real job for my entire life and i'm 36, so i guess i'm okay with getting one now.... wait, at what age can i retire!